Free EFT (A Skeptic's Story: How to get more money, more success, and more happiness)

I can't remember the first time someone tried to push an idea, thought, or belief down my throat but I'm sure I was pretty young.

In fact, if I remember correctly, it was in a past life--or something of that nature. =)

But where I've really struggled in life, is being open to NEW beliefs, ideas, and thoughts. 

You know what I mean. The kind of ideas that shift your thinking and change your life.

Ideas like...How to Get More Money with EFT 

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking because I was there once too (before I discovered how this worked, and transformed my piddly work-hard-for-little-pay business to more than $11,000 a month with the best eft and nlp strategies)

If you're like most people you want it to be true.
You want to learn how to get more money with EFT.
But you're scared.

So what if you start from one simple belief...

What's the worst that could happen?

Seriously, that's where I had to start, as a 'Negative Nellie' just a few short years ago.

My aunt kept telling me that I should try this 'eft thing' she tried on my cousin, because it worked.

I put it off for a full 18 months, maybe longer, before I gave it a try.

You see, I was more desperate than most.

The truth (and I'd rarely admit this) I was at my lowest low. We'd left our beautiful apartment just miles away from Mr. Bill Gates to move across the country to live with my mother-in-law because rent shot up so high in our area, that we simply couldn't afford it.

No matter how many vision boards, or meditation and visualization I did worked.
Sure, we barely scraped by, but like most familys, that one little upset caused a major ripple through our lives.

Just a few short months later, my husbands 'work from home job', the one he had for more than three years *vanished*. I'd been making a little here and there working from home, but nothing substantial. That was just 2 weeks before Christmas. We had $0 in savings.

I kept hearing my aunt's voice in the back of my head...Try EFT for Anxiety

I finally gave in, and went on the hunt for a free Eft script for anxiety.
Imagine my surprise (and delight) when I found entire communities filled with free eft scripts for anxiety...

So I followed the instructions, and you know what. I was shocked. I'd never felt so great in my life (before you think I'm overexaggerating, you should know that I used to suffer from BPD (yes, even cutting), PTSD, and severe paralyzing anxiety before I discovered the power of EFT (and how eft works).

So 'feeling the best I'd ever felt in my life' really didn't take much.

As you can imagine, I kept going, tapping through script after script, bawling my eyes out in my tiny bedroom--with my skeptical husband standing by thinking "yeah, sure, that looks like it's working really well"...

And then I saw it. How to get more money with EFT.

I thought, hmmm. I feel better, and I believe in the law of attraction (even though I didn't understand how to use it properly then), so I may as well try....


I went through the free tapping script. I believe that it was my Carol Look. I adore her. She's changed my life, and I hope she knows it...
So has Brad Yates.
You guys are amazing!

She gave a few pointers on how I could get better results from tapping with EFT, and I suddenly felt this shift. So I decided, why not tap for a specific amount of money, for a valid reason.

I had two babies under two that year. My husband had just lost his job. Christmas was weeks away.

So I did it. I tapped on the How to Get More Money with EFT Script.
I wrote down the limiting beliefs that crept into my mind.
I tapped on how I didn't have money for Christmas presents.
And I didn't breath a word of it to my husband because he was NOT having anything to do with my 'woo woo' ness (until he saw me manifest money from thing air--that's a story for later)

And wouldn't you know it, within 48 short hours, $158.00 showed up.
In the form of a check. A 58 day old one. I ran to cash it (you'll have to see how spending just $7 of it changed my life below...)

$158.00  I laugh now, because that's such a small sum to me right now.
Now the universe delivers more than that to me each and every hour I work.

But you know what, we had an amazingly abundant Christmas for $158.00
The tree was stuffed with presents (after I tapped on finding sales--who knew you could use EFT to save money)

What happened next, was nothing short of miraculous.

Actually, it happened around the same time (before Christmas) because I decided I didn't just want to

I tapped on the most rediculous, and bizarre combination of things.
I wanted a part-time job from home, making more than $10 an hour. A part-time job outside the home that paid at least $22 an hour. And I wanted them to work in conjunction with each other.

Next day two amazing things happened.
1. I opened an email from an affiliate. The offer was $7. I bought it. I've turned a tiny line of instruction at the bottom of that ebook I bought into a thriving $11k per month business--in less than 2 years--plus become one of the top ranked experts in the world--in that same field.

2. That very next morning I received a strange phone call about an application I put in to a school district in 2005. Two thousand five.
This was early December 2010. (see the kismet here?)

They called and said, "Hey, we need someone to work with a few kids after school. Your application pulled up in the system as someone with the right background. It begins in two days. We DON'T need to interview you because your background check cleared. We see you're a certified teacher in WA, so we can pay you $22 an hour. It's 15 hours a week"...

I nearly began to cry on the phone. I got the address, the dress code and the time to show up.
I began bawling.
And then it hit me.
I'd achieved goal number 1. I'd not only discovered how to get more money with EFT. I'd received it...

Maybe I should be reaching higher...

So I tapped again. This time for a job paying $30 an hour (never imagining that it would happen--still as skeptical as can be). About two hours later, that same woman called back and said, "Do you have any experience in administration? The woman you were to work for has accepted another offer."
I did. I accepted that job. I worked it and loved it for 9 full months until it became useless to go in because I was making more than $50 an hour working from home...on my own time.

In that 9 months, I tapped every day. They let me work half of my time in administration from home, so I could be near my kids and get paid while they giggled behind me. I found my niche and began doing something I loved...

And in just three short months, we're moving to a home with views of the San Juan Islands and the Pacific Ocean, with the best school district in the state...

Still skeptical? You're only shorting yourself...

I mean, really what's the worst that could happen?

I have to give special 'props' to Carol Look and Brad Yates.

Look them up. They offer an amazing wealth of free resources, but it was paying them for their expertise (however tiny the amount) that got me beyond my hurdles and helped me figure how out to get more money with eft (more money that I'd ever imagined...)

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