How to Vent. Whine. and Complain and STILL Manifest Your Desire (AKA But I don't know what my block is... How can I tap and see results?)

(This is for you if you want to see change in your life. But you're not sure exactly why you're stuck!)

I think there are a few misconceptions and myths floating around the EFT and Law of Attraction world.

As you may already know everyone who talks about the Law of Attraction has what we call a "Zero to Hero" story.

Maybe you'll recognize it after you see this outline.

Step 1: The "Zero" Stage. Life had me down. It wasn't going my way. I didn't know what to do. Nothing was working.
Step 2. The "Breakthrough" Stage. Then I grew curious. I knew something HAD to change.
Step 3. The "Hero" Stage. Then I discovered xyz, had this huge breakthrough, and my life has been amazing.
Sound familiar?

Many people may call this the "I've arrived" story.
It's like there is the myth that once you "get there" you'll never face a challenge or struggle again.

Let me be the first to dispel this myth. 
My life IS about 1 million times more amazing since I discovered how to use EFT with the law of attraction.

But I STILL hit those "zero" moments. Even though they are few and far between. 

Here's a quick n' dirty example. 

It was 1 a.m. this morning and I was feeling STUCK.

Had I tapped on everything I could think to tap on? Yes.
Did I pull out scripts and tap on those? Yes.

Did I have an instant breakthrough? No.
All I wanted to do was vent, whine and complain.

I was feeling really sorry for myself (don't we all on occasion?)

So you know what I did? What finally allowed me to experience that breakthrough we're all looking for?

I did EXACTLY the opposite of what most law of attraction coaches will tell you to do--with the twist that made all the difference.

I even kept my poor husband up (bless his heart!) well into the early morning hours.

But you know what made the difference.

I tapped on my EFT points.

The truth is that sometimes the issue is so interwoven and connected that tapping on just a few things won't get you from a feeling of "Grrrrr" to that feeling you'd like to experience.

It's a little technique that we often forget when we're too overwhelmed, and all we want to do is pick up the phone and call a friend and let it all hang out.

But, as you already know, under NORMAL circumstances, that venting, whining and complaining KILLS your vibration--halts your manifestations--and forces you into a downhill spiral.

So next time you catch yourself wanting to vent, whine and complain KEEP GOING, TELL YOUR STORY, BUT FOR THE LOVE OF PETE...TAP While You're Whining! =)

Please feel free to comment below. Add your opinion. And if you know someone who could really use this please share.

Happy Venting!
Diane Boerstler, M.NLP

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