How We Manifested Over $160,000 + and 400 new clients in 2017

The Universe keeps telling me we need to stop hiding, come out of the 'manifestation' closet and come clean about just how quickly and easily I manifest everything...

This happens every single time I see someone say they manifested something they feel is big during a timeline they feel is short and I think to myself...
"Wow, I'd feel really frustrated if I asked for $10,000 and manifested it in a raise I had to wait a full year to claim all of it!"...

Or "Wow, I wish I had the guts to tell that person how they could manifest that new home or car 10x's faster"
Or "Wow I wish I could come right out and tell that mama what to do to manifest a baby in her arms..." but for years I've held back because I didn't want my sales copy and business consulting clients to know how woowoo I was...not anymore.

Philip (the worlds most amazing husband) and I decided to let the cat out of the bag so to speak and start sharing how we manifested over $1,000,000 worth of stuff and money in just the last few years - and that's only counting our 'favorites' - not the 'little stuff' like coffee and parking spots ;)

Why are we doing this together? Because we KNOW there MUST be other couples out there who love co-manifesting and feel as connected and engaged as we do - even 11 years into marriage - so we're building a tribe of like minded couples who

In the next few weeks I'll be sharing the secret law of attraction techniques I've perfected so you can manifest the life of your dreams too...

Some of what we'll cover in this MANIFEST ANYTHING YOU WANT FAST Success Stories Series includes...

  • How we manifested $160,000 and 400+ new clients in 2017 (and that's outside of money we receive from coaching about manifesting money fast or teaching how to manifest anything you want with the law of attraction!) 

    • How we manifested over $40,000 in 14 days
    • How we manifest money instantly - like a $150 check behind dresser for Christmas presents within a few hours (back when we were flat broke)
    • How we manifested a job instantly - out of the blue phone call and over the phone job offer in 2010 with no interviews, then a raise from $22 to $30 and working from home within 12 hours after that!
    • How we manifested 6 job offers within 6 days with zero interviews (that we didn't even need the job offers - just thought it would be fun to manifest offers out of the blue with ZERO interviews! Yep, just to see if we could do it =)
    • How we manifested money instantly ($60 cash) and free babysitting from my mom for Phil's birthday (when we didn't have extra to go out and eat - but she didn't know that)
    • How we used the law of attraction to manifest over $1000 - like $1200 from Phil’s mom when we NEEDED IT most (she didn't know that though)
    • How we used the law of attraction to manifest even more money to travel - $6000 we didn't have to pay back for a travel trailer and 90 days of (mostly) free travel around the country 
    • How we manifested a vacation within 2 days - Myrtle Beach & Horse Back Riding
    • How we used to the law of attraction to attract a vacation within 24 hours of deciding to go - 12 days in California
    • How I manifested 4 expert speaker appearances in front of over 100,000 people in 2018 (live on the internet)
    • How we manifested working from home - from $10 to $400 per hour - started out making $10 working from home within 12 hours of intending it (in 2010) then scaling that to $75/hour in under 4 months, then scaling that year after year until we're now making $250 to $400/hour working from home in 2018
    • How we manifested a car instantly - within HOURS of intending - when we couldn't qualify for a cheap ugly beater - NICE CARS like a Stylish Mercedes Benz and the exact Honda Pilot I wanted in the exact color I wanted (even after they told me no - I walked away, worked my magic, then walked back out with the keys 2 hours later...)
    • The law of attraction techniques we used to get pregnant and overcome infertility and have 4 healthy kids and 5 miscarriages (hubby had to get snipped so the fertility wave stopped!)
    • How we manifest all the furniture we want over and over and over again - we don’t buy furniture, we manifest it!
    • How we manifest massive discounts
    • How I used the law of attraction and EFT to drop 6 dress sizes in 2 months and maintained weight loss without ever feeling hungry
    • How we Transformed our Marriage from Miserable to MAGICAL
    • How we Manifested the Exact Food Processor I Wanted for just $20 (unused)
    • How we Manifest People Saying Things to Me I Need to Hear
    • How we Manifest Clients Paying My Invoice After They “Forget” To Pay
    • How we Manifest Free Food and Free Wine Every Month
    • How we Manifest Money in 48 Hours or Less
    • How we Manifest Awesome Surprises Out of the Blue (Like money, food, presents, gift cards, etc)
    • How We Manifest the Exact Solution or Resource We Need Fast
    • How We Manifest Seeing the Exact Figure We Want in Our PayPal Account (the fun way)
    • How we use the law of attraction to manifest becoming #1 experts in multiple fields
    • How we manifested the perfect home and the down payment to our home (only had to bring $63 to the closing table and they refunded us $89 a week later!)
    • PLUS how our kids manifest wild things they want like experiences, toys, pokemon cards and more...

    Now I'll be 100% honest - while we frequently manifest money within 24 to 48 hours some things take longer.

    Truth is we often realize that part of me (or one of us) didn't want the thing I was going to manifest anyway so I have a DECISION to make - gently soothe that part of me into submission using EFT or decide it's not worth the time and effort and manifest something I actually do want fast.

    That right there is a key. If it's not going to make you happy and if it's not what YOU want, it'll take forever to manifest it. If part of you doesn't feel safe having it or part of you doesn't like 'what might happen' on the other side (the unknown) then you'll struggle to manifest it. If you're subconscious framework is conditioned to ignore seeing the movement towards the things you want and you don't use NLP or EFT (or whatever you feel works best) to transform your subconscious mind then you can't manifest money within 24 or 48 hours and you can't manifest anything else you're 'blocked on' within 24 to 48 hours.

    So let's kick off with #1 - How to manifest 400 more clients and over $160,000 in under a year

    THIS IS WHAT I (Diane) DID

    Special Note: Don't start with a huge dollar amount. Make it tangible to you. It's far easier and faster to scale up to larger sums when you begin with smaller sums than it is to start with a huge number like "I'm going to win $10,000 in the lottery"

    Step 1: TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for not having it. If you're creating a new reality realize you created everything in this one and OWN THAT POWER. Then DECIDE if what you're trying to manifest is what you really want - if it doesn't make you want to jump up and down with excitement and relief it's not worth manifesting...

    Step 2: Talk to your spouse (or close friend) about it like it just happened (in your mind our out loud) - identify any limiting beliefs or nagging voices that tell you it's impossible.

    Step 3: Download the book here to use EFT and NLP to clear out those limiting beliefs you identified in step 2.

    Step 4: Continue to hear yourself telling people about the exciting thing that just happened. If it helps write it out and visualize it (I don't visualize well - I 'audiolize' as I call it)

    Step 5: Keep tapping on how you're grateful it already happened. Tap on other things you're grateful for daily. Tap in 'Why' AFFORMATIONS (reference Noah St. John)

    Step 6: Keep clearing out any limiting beliefs surrounding the top - if you need help figuring out what these are we have many options to help you break thru (just contact us)

    Step 7: Give gratitude daily (I type mine out then tap on it) - ESPECIALLY right before you go to bed. Did you know that things you think about right before you go to bed manifest faster? I didn't either until I accidentally had to switch my tapping to right before bed and watched my manifestations accelerate like lightning...

    Step 8: Continue to look for 'evidence' and FLIP everything you experience to a positive meaning that benefits your manifestation happening quickly.
    Ex. "Oh well!

    Step 9: If you start struggling with doubt tap on doubt. If you struggle with 'what I change' or 'the unknown' of what life will look like after you manifest, tap on that. If you struggle with impatience then tap on patience! Whatever feelings come up tap them out. You'll not only FEEL better and magical, you'll see your manifestations start piling up at rapid speed.

    Step 10: If you want a quick boost of money go on a rampage of gratitude - write out everything you're grateful for and tap on everything you're grateful for from the last hour, day, month, year and lifetime. Give gratitude to all of the coincidences that got you to where you are today.

    Step 11: Play with it! Try adding a timeline or going without a timeline - we all respond differently to timeline pressures in manifestation.

    Step 12: Keep taking INSPIRED action without worrying about if it's the right action - sometimes the Universe (god, source, spirit, angels, pick your fave) is literally waiting for you to do SOMETHING...anything to break through. For example, I'm a top sales copywriter. Sales started dropping (odd for a top copywriter - because I write words that make people take action at huge levels) - I had a hundred ideas on HOW I could generate more traffic (and thus more clients) but I felt frozen about 'what to do'. So I thought, "What do I have NOW that I can share - what can I do now?" Funniest thing happens (the same thing that always happens!)...

    I decide to upload all of my training videos from a previous program to YouTube for FREE and share them across social media. Within 24 hours clients start flooding in...but here's the funny part. NONE of those clients saw any of my videos - they came in from other sources, all because I took action and told the Universe "This doesn't have to be how clients come in - I'm just taking action and trust that clients will flood in the fastest way possible".

    Step 13: AFTER YOU MANIFEST IT remember to take a moment to feel massive gratitude and thankfulness when it does celebrated in advance now celebrate when it happens =)

    Additional "P.S." Tips:
    Join a manifestation group - we have a manifestation group for couples here and welcome you to join in and share!

    Smell money and tap through the EFT points

    Write out your story of life transformation and tap through the EFT points

    Anytime you feel negative, even if it's not about what you want to manifest, sneak to the bathroom and tap on the EFT points about what's bothering you...

    THIS IS WHAT I (PHILIP) DID to manifest more clients and money

    Step 1: Decide and take action - meditate and tap on what's holding you back then take WHATEVER inspired action you - it may not be the channel your manifestation comes thru but any action at all is beneficial.

    Step 2: Clear out limiting beliefs and negative emotions that pop up - not just surrounding your manifestation but everything!

    Step 3: Put your patience on - if you begin doubting or feeling impatient tap on doubt and impatience until you feel relief (drop down to a 0 on the SUDS scale)

    Step 4: Examine reasons or 'beliefs' about why you think it's not happening then clear those out.

    Step 5: Reach out for help and act 'as if' you already have it - while Diane hates meditating I love meditating and visualizing and with her audiolizing and my visualizing we find things come lightning fast.

    Step 6: If you get stuck reach out for help. We're always just an email away!

    Sometimes we can see the issue in seconds and can send you a few short sentence response to help you break through. If you're truly struggling and it seems that nothing you do helps you breakthrough then consider joining our manifestation coaching program or join one you resonate with...going from flat broke and both of us living with my mother to over $160,000 per year and owning a house a few blocks from the beach with mountain, ocean and island views makes reaching out and getting help worth it!


    1. It is a very detailed article, almost like a book and a doing full justice to the topic. Therefore, one quick reading is not sufficient. One must read the article couple of times over a period of time to get full benefits. I have also been writing articles on similar topics but they are shorter, for example: From Poverty Mindset to Prosperity Mindset ( ), How to Apply Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Dreams ( ).

      Please do read and give your views too. Happy manifesting to all.


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