
Showing posts from January, 2014

How to Vent. Whine. and Complain and STILL Manifest Your Desire (AKA But I don't know what my block is... How can I tap and see results?)

(This is for you if you want to see change in your life. But you're not sure exactly why you're stuck!) I think there are a few misconceptions and myths floating around the EFT and Law of Attraction world. As you may already know everyone who talks about the Law of Attraction has what we call a "Zero to Hero" story. Maybe you'll recognize it after you see this outline. Step 1: The "Zero" Stage. Life had me down. It wasn't going my way. I didn't know what to do. Nothing was working. Step 2. The "Breakthrough" Stage. Then I grew curious. I knew something HAD to change. Step 3. The "Hero" Stage. Then I discovered xyz, had this huge breakthrough, and my life has been amazing. Sound familiar? Many people may call this the "I've arrived" story. It's like there is the myth that once you "get there" you'll never face a challenge or struggle again. Let me be the first to dispel this