
Showing posts from April, 2016

EFT to Manifest Change in Your Reality

Hi All, and Happy 2014, Okay, so it's a little early, but wouldn't you rather get off on the right foot before the New Year begins? Me too! That's why I'm writing you a special message. No, it's not another one of the bland "how to plan your goals" posts. It's more about recognizing just how far you've come in the last year. Yes, it's time for a little more "fun-work" This week, if you're brave enough, I challenge you to take an honest look back at 2013. What went well? What could have gone better? Now get out a pen and paper (or your digital device if you'd like) Write down everything you were grateful for in 2013. Once you have your list, the rest of your fun work is simple. Tapping on the points you'll simply go through your list and say, "Thank you for (the first thing on your list). I'm so grateful that I saw (the first thing on your list) manifest in my life in 2013 and I'm grate