Free EFT Tapping Scripts for Money - How I Manifested $103,000.00 in 3 Simple Steps

Hi There!

Sick and tired of manifesting free coffee, parking spots, and feathers?
Want to get into the REAL JUICY stuff, like manifesting money in 24 hours or less?

My name is Diane Boerstler, and while it sounds corny I can teach you how to manifest money fast...I mean lightning fast.

As in 24 hours to 48 hours from now you can start seeing money 'cosmically' appearing in your favorite bank account - without buying a lottery ticket.

Like This:

(Disclaimer: *I'm not here to sell you anything...although I do ask you for 3 special favors after you've tried it and seen how it works like gangbusters!*)

Note the beginning balance before I discovered my Gratitude Code (tm). It's $1783 on January 1, 2017.

Note the ending balance on July 17, 2017 - it's $25,901

And then NOTE the SALES ACTIVITY for the year (highlighted the date and amount in yellow).

This is NO Joke people...when I switched how I tapped and manifested to the Gratitude Code (tm) approach (which I'll give you an overview of shortly) my income SKYROCKETED and I did nothing else different!!!

Is it going to take some work? HELL YES...expect to dedicate a few hours to this the first time you discover how to manifest money in 24 hours - even if it means you lose sleep, believe me, it's 1,000,000% worth it!

Before we get started I need to remind you that I'm not here to sell you anything; I'm just here to tell you how I do it.

It's quite simple actually - you simply have to TAP ON GRATITUDE and CLEAR ANY TAIL ENDERS as they show up!

Sounds easy enough, right?

Let's get to it!

(If you don't know what 'tapping' or 'eft' is go to YouTube and explore a bit first - you'll feel like a crazy person tapping on your meridian points - at first - until the magic and miracles begin to show up, then you'll wonder why you aren't doing it all day, every day!)


Every guru says, "What the mind conceives, you can achieve..."
But if your mind hasn't ever manifested it, you can't conceive it as easily, right?

So you can invest years struggling to talk your mind into manifesting $1,000,000 or more.

Or you can go about it the EASY, FAST way - like a smart investor...and SCALE UP your INVESTMENT. Start small, build confidence, do this every day (it won't take you more than 15 minutes most days - just getting started takes a few hours). Manifest bigger and bigger and bigger numbers and bigger and bigger and bigger things (like a 24 foot luxury Bayliner, for example...). When you follow these steps EXACTLY you'll be at that magical number you want in no time flat - God's honest truth!

So begin with a number you already KNOW you can manifest...

Like $100 - we've all had $100 in our bank account right?

$100/day x 30 days per month = $3,000 per month or $36,000 extra per year. 

Now while I can't live off of this with all my need to live a lavish lifestyle, many would be extremely grateful to have an extra $100 a day show up in your bank account.

So let's start with $100 and then rapidly scale up into the $1000's and $10,000's from there.

Agreed? Great!

Now that you have your 'goal' set; one that's believable and achievable yet scary enough that when it happens, you'll know without a doubt that your tapping manifested this.

(Disclaimer: I currently use this to manifest around $1000+ day or $30,000 per month - starting from $150/week back in 2010 to $500 a day in January of 2017, to $750 to $1000 per day starting in March of 2017 when I figured out The Gratitude Code(tm). Now I have $30k piled up in my account and I'm looking for how to 'invest it' to generate even more because I manifest everything else I want anyway!!")

Now that we've chosen the $ figure you're going to manifest, let's follow these simple steps.

Step 2: Spend 10 minutes tapping on your points for all the things you're already grateful for using the MOST PASSIONATE, EXCITED, "I'm a 7 year old and I'm going to DISNEYLAND TODAY" voice possible... saying "Thank you universe, I'm SO happy and grateful that I have [ex. this soft comfy bed to lay on], I love how it cradles me to sleep every night]

Let's break that down -
Part 1: "Thank you universe, I am so happy and grateful that I have...
Part 2: [the thing you have that you're grateful for]...
Part 3: because it allows me to [the benefit it gives you]

Example 2: Thank you universe, I am so happy and grateful that I have a new 24' Bayliner speed boat because it allows me and my family to catch all the delicious crab we ever want to eat!"

Step 3: After you've invested at least 10 minutes (when I'm going for numbers that seem big to 'me' I gratitude tap for an hour lol) then you'll want to spend 5 minutes tapping on the FUTURE as though you have it NOW.

Part 1: "Thank you universe I am so happy and grateful that SAW...
Part 2: $100 fly into my [where you want it to appear] today...
Part 3: SO I CAN [something FUN you want to do with the money for yourself or for others]

You can't say DEBT...or PAY A BILL...that's like committing financial suicide because it immediately lowers your vibration. Choose something FUN...

As you do this you'll come across what we call 'Tail Enders' or that little nagging voice in your subconscious mind that says, "No you can't do this, you'll have to work extra hard, money doesn't grow on trees or appear out of thin air..etc"

These are your LIMITING BELIEFS, you'll want to tap these out and replace them with NEW, spirited, high-money attracting beliefs (and feel massive stress and anxiety relief in the process!)


This part takes the LONGEST but the majority of beliefs you clear out here will stay at bay for months, years or's pretty cool you can shift your beliefs from scarcity and lack to prosperity and money-magnetism in 10 minutes with EFT, isn't it?

You'll want to follow this format (it's longer than 'traditional tapping' but it's a unique combination of NLP & EFT that I've personally found to work 10x's faster and more effectively!!)

Starting on the karate chop point: 
(Say passionately in your head, or out loud):

"Even though I believe that [ex. money doesn't grow on trees - replace with your own limiting belief] I choose to deeply and completely accept myself..."

"Even though THEY SAID that [ex. money doesn't grow on trees or appear out of thing air, and I'll have to work really hard to make that extra money, I choose to deeply and completely ACCEPT AND LOVE AND FORGIVE THEM...myself and anyone else who tried to protect me with this false belief..."

"Even though I believe that money doesn't grow on trees or appear out of thin air, I choose to feel safe changing this belief and believe it can change right now..."

Round 1 (tapping through all of the points): [tap saying your limiting belief, what we call a 'reminder phrase'. Ex. Money doesn't grow on trees."]

Round 2 (tapping through all of the points): "What if I did see $100 appear out of thin air? I choose to let go of how it comes to me and feel gratitude for it now."

Round 3: (tapping through all of the points): I consciously choose to feel SAFE releasing this belief now. I consciously choose to feel SAFE with this change in my life and focus on the good it is already doing!

Round 4 (tapping through all of the points): Why did I so easily RELEASE this limiting belief that [ex. money doesn't grow on trees], and replace it with the belief that money flows into my life constantly, easily and effortlessly.

Round 5 (tapping through all of the points): Thank you Universe, I am SO happy and grateful that I saw $100 flow into my life today so I can [something fun you intend to use the money for].

BONUS TIP #1: Keep gratitude tapping, except with a TWIST.
Tap on "Thank you universe for ALL the TIMES I DO HAVE ENOUGH MONEY..."
"Thank you universe for ALL the TIMES I have been able to afford everything I need and want..."
"Thank you universe for ALL the TIMES I have felt rich and like life was one magical event after another..."

BONUS TIP #2: Tell someone you LOVE they can get what they want now...
Imagine yourself telling someone about how you just manifested $100 (or whatever your SCALE UP figure is...). I imagine myself telling my husband. "Hey sweetie, just looked at our PayPal account and another $3,000 in payments flew through today...just thought you should know you can go get that [thing we/he wants] now."

If you like this I only ask THREE THINGS of YOU (pretty please with sugar on top)...

1. Please comment below if this helped you or you need any clarification.
2. Please share this article with fellow LOA'ers who are struggling to manifest money so we can become the rising tide that lifts all boats!
3. If you think I should teach a group coaching class on this, how much would knowing how to manifest larger and larger sums of money like clockwork be worth to you? (People keep asking me to turn this into a paid course because there are ways to accelerate your money manifestation even faster that I can't teach on paper - have to teach live...)

With MASSIVE love for you and your family,


  1. So what is the best amount to scale up with if you've already manifested wealth? Should you start where you ended (i.e. how much you previously earned), or work up from a smaller amount?

    1. Hi JC, So sorry I just now saw this! I'm grateful I saw Caleb's so I could see yours. The thing most often blocking us from money is our comfort zone, so I always suggest starting with an amount that would feel amazing (and you'd know you'd manifested it) without going so high as to trigger self sabotage. =) Remember to tap on the blocks as they come up (and they will) based on your number, and then scale to a higher number.

  2. I did this for the first time today. Though I haven't yet manifested that $100, it really cleared up some limiting belief that I had about LOA and manifesting "as if by magic". I'm curious how long it took you to see that first "flying" amount of money? That's by no means impatience on my end, because I'm not afraid of putting in the work needed to tune into gratitude and expectations and remove the weeds. I'm wondering, also, about the time. How do you know if you're not giving it enough time?

    1. Hi Caleb, it's amazing how quickly it clears limiting beliefs and uncomfortable feelings, isn't it? Within 48 hours I'd started manifesting small amounts of money ($150 ish) and when I kept tapping both the amazing synchronicity in my life and the money flow exploded so much it was kind of terrifying (so I had to tap on blocking myself/self sabotage =) Within a few months I was easily manifesting over $4800 a month steadily. Now I easily manifest an average of $15k/month with some months heading into the $40k plus range. That's not counting all the freebies, or money that just shows up through others in my life (like when a friend suddenly has an extra few thousand and blesses me with something). Hope that helps!!

  3. Hi, should I tap out limiting beliefs as they happen, or before the positive tapping? Or after?

    1. Excellent question!
      If I'm really looking for fast progress I like to start by tapping out ONE specific limiting belief at a time moving from negative to the positive reprogramming. As you tap those other limiting beliefs will surface. Write them down so you can tap them out individually as well. To speed things along when you're short on time focus on GRATITUDE TAPPING (gratitude for what you already have first, including every penny and freebie, then gratitude for what you want in the future as though you already have it...)

      For example this morning I only had a few minutes, so I did 5 minutes of gratitude tapping on what I currently have, and a few minutes on feeling grateful for seeing an additional $3000 added to my PayPal account. Within an hour I had a client request a $3000 invoice AND 2 more inquiries for my services (another $1000 within the next 48 hours or so) AND a client send me $50 out of the blue as a "thank you" for responding to his email...


  5. Did you decide to do the course?

  6. Thank you for your lovely and generous gift.


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